into Ubuntu for the first time, you will probably see this
screen. Software updates relevant for your system on the Internet have
been found. The icon is orange and is on the right of the top panel
of the screen.

Clicking on the icon will launch an updating process which requires administrator access. Whenever you administer the software of the installation, the following window will appear.

Here simply enter your password. You will then be presented with a list of available updates.
Unless you have reason to deselect a software package, it is best to
simply click "Install Updates". If you would like to check for more
updates, simply click "Check". Clicking on the arrow next to "Show
details" opens an area for descriptions of the software; simply
highlight a package to see its description. Finally, "Help" gives
more detailed help information.
On the next page, you
can what happens when
you click
"Install Updates".